Monday, May 17, 2010

Meat slurry

There are moments etched into the collective consciousness of men of honor rising to a challenge.  Moments that test courage, define careers, and that live forever.  Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Michael Jordan's flu game, JFK's handling of the Cuban Missile crisis, Babe Ruth calling his shot, MLK's I Have A Dream.

Unforgettable moments of time, flawless and crystalline, glimmering in the cosmos of human history, everlasting and immutable.

Last October, I had mine.

I mean, yeah, the Cuban Missile crisis was pretty important, too

Such opportunities often only deign to test a man's quality once.  Pass or fail, that is the moment that changes the course of a life.  And yet, on Monday, May 17th in the year of our Lord 2010, the gentle hand of fate pointed its finger my way a second time.  There was still work to be done.

 Huh... that doesn't look too bad.  In fact it looks prett-
No burger too big, no indulgence too great.

Look on my works ye mighty and despair!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Horrific and awesome. Horrawesome.